Monday, May 13, 2013

test questions

For the 1st half of Western Civilization today, we were asked to brainstorm questions for the test. Here are mine:
1)      Which of the following are NOT one of the problems we discussed that was wrong with the Roman Empire?
A.      Disease
B.      Too many poor people
C.      Corrupt government
D.      Trouble defending the outer edges of the empire
2)      Name and describe one of Diocletian’s reforms. (At least 3 sentences)

One of Diocletian’s reformations was increasing the size of the Military. Diocletian recruited so many new soldiers, that the size of the military increased by 33%. He was able to get these numbers by recruiting from conquered barbarians.


One of Diocletian’s reformations was dividing the Roman Empire into provinces. He then assigned a separate ruler, or governor, to be in charge of collecting taxes and other governmental functions for that area. This meant that they were more efficient at gathering the money for taxes since there were local people that the people knew to gather it. Also, because of this reform, the number of officials was 10 times the amount that Caesar Augustus had.
3)      How many Edicts were published by Diocletian?
A.      2
B.      12
C.      7
D.      6
E.       4
4)      When was the 1st Edict that Diocletian made published.
A.      284 A.D.
B.      303 A.D.
C.      300 A.D.
D.      44 B.C.

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