Monday, May 6, 2013

Final Rome Test

TEST!!!! BUT I DIDN’T STUDY!!!!! Actually, I did. Today Mr. Schick collected our papers, gave us about ten minutes to study, and then handed out the test. The test was 20 questions long, or one could say that it was 8 ½ inches long, since that is how long the piece of paper was. The test itself was not that diff... I mean easy. Mr. Schick was going to say that the test was easy, but he changed his mind because he didn’t want to jinx it and cause half the class to fail like what happened with the last test. Instead, he told us that the test was super difficult. After the test, we checked the blog to see what the homework was on like we usually do. For Chapter 9, we are going to be skipping LO-1 and going straight to LO-2, and then we are going to move on to Chapter 10: The Medieval Era, dun, dun, dun, dun.    

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