Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christianity Notes

Now that we are done with Rome, it is time to move on to Christianity. We will only be learning one section of this chapter, though. Anyway, LO-2 centers on Jesus. What we know about his life, we know from the Gospels (Who da thought!). In case you were unaware, and did not learn anything in Religion class, gospel means “good news.” These 4 books in the Bible focus on Jesus’s birth, teachings, death, and resurrection. Jesus grew up in a Jewish family, and was arguing religion in the temple. An apostle was one of Jesus’ followers and messengers of his teachings. The other important person in the section, is Paul. Paul (originally named Saul) started out persecuting Christians, but then he had a vision on the road to Damascus. In this vision, Jesus told him to stop persecuting him and start preaching about him. Anyway, Paul did as he was told 3 days after this vision, as he was blinded by the light in the vision. Vocab word number 2 is predestination. This refers to God deciding who is saved and who is not.

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