Friday, May 24, 2013

Feudalism Study Guide

If I wanted to ace the Feudalism test,
I would look up the following terms in Chapter 11 in the textbook:

Feudalism- term used to describe social/political relationship between people
Feudal compact- knight pledges allegiance to a lord, who grants him a fief which transforms the knight into the lords “vassal”
Fief- piece of land given to a knight by a lord
Vassal- a knight who has become a lord’s servant
Knight- medieval warrior
Serf- lowest class in the social hierarchy, provided a workforce
Baron- a lord who controlled a large amount of land  
Peasantry- commoners, worked in guilds, made up of craftsmen
Manor- the place where the lord lived
Three-field-system- farm divided into 3 rotated your 2 sets of crops.
Internal colonization
Guild- a group of craftsmen under a single trade
Master- artisan
Journeyman- Master’s second in command
Apprentice- one who is learning a trade
Masterpiece- something that a journeyman makes to become a master
Water mill
And yes, iron plow

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