Friday, May 10, 2013

Diocletian and Constantine

SHEESH! Why is it, that humans are always horrible to people who are different from them! I mean REALLY! Today we learn about how Diocletian ordered that any Christian churches within the Empire could be razed and that Christian MUST worship the Roman gods. On top of that, he even publically tortured a Christian by tying them up raising them up, then scourging him with a multi-ended whip with tacks on the end. Then more than a millennia later, the Nazis come along and try to wipe Judaism off the face of the planet! Fortunately, there are plenty of people in this world that actually have some sense in them. For example, Constantine took the throne and before the Battle of Milvian Bridge, he saw a vision of a cross with the words “in this you will conquer.” AND HE DID!!! Not only that, but after getting these great results from praying to God, he passed the Edict of Milan. This stated that Christians could publically worship and if anybody had their land taken away from them by Diocletian, they would be given it back. Basically Constantine was like “He da man!”

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