Monday, April 15, 2013

Rome Movie by Chi Cago

Today’s Western Civilization class was cut short but it was still entertaining. At the start of class, Mr. Schick told us about the AIMS person who visited one of his previous classes and was one of the least friendly people he had ever met. This is because the guy was too focused on whether or not there was a resource room. I mean really it is like “What’s a resource room?” On top of that, whenever a student tried saying “hi” to him, he just frownedL. Then we were interrupted by the stupid fire drill making us lose time in class to start on our movie. Yes, that’s right, our next project is to film a video using a program of our choice where we use Chi Cago’s song, “Rome,” and add pictures to it. Therefore, if we did not get movie maker downloaded, our homework is to get it downloaded.

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