Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chi Cago

Mr. Schick was unfortunately unable to make it to class today. Instead we got to meet Mr. Schick’s clone Chi Cago. If you have ever heard of Flo Rida, Chi Cago is another rapper. We got to hear Chi Cago’s song called “Rome,” which he wrote himself in his basement studio (Martha said that this was accurate). The rap covered basically everything in LO-1 (or LOL as Mr. Schick sometimes calls it. After hearing “Rome” sung by Chi Cago and his daughter, we were told what Mr. Schick thought was important in this section, so that we may be able to succeed on the next test. Speaking of tests, We got our tests back, and I got my first A on a West Civ., test. We were also told that Mr. Schick wold be out the next couple days, so we wold need to check his BLOG for any BLOG assignments that we have.   

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