Saturday, April 13, 2013


The reason Rome’s army was so effective was because they had better prepared soldiers, as well as better strategy. By 250 B.C. Rome had conquered almost all of Italy.

The Punic Wars lasted for about 100 years from 246-146 B.C.

Rome took control of what Carthage had controlled in Sicily, Spain, and Africa. These were the first Roman provinces. However, these lands were not allies, but rather treated as conquered lands. These provinces paid taxes to the Roman state and allowed the other Roman citizens to make a private fortune. It was not until after 27 B.C. that they were able to share in the full benefits of the Roman Order.

From 500 B.C. to the Punic Wars, Rome had unified most of Italy. In the next 250 years, Rome’s rule would expand to include the British Isles.

By the late 1st century, Rome had conquered from Gibraltar to Jerusalem.

Here is the link to Joe’s and my comic:

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