Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Last Day before Break

Today in Western Civilization class, we covered a couple of different things. Thank the lord for us having a double mod because we probably would not have gotten to the movie if we did not, since classes are shorter on Wednesday’s. At the start of class, Mr. Schick informed us that our test got pushed until after break. Then, the last to groups presented their presentations on which we took notes on. The first presentation was general information on Alexander, the Great (his birth, death, etc.). The second group that went was titled India. If you are wondering what India has to do with Alexander, the Great, well, it actually is very relevant to him for this reason. The reason that India is so important when studying Alexander is because he fought his most difficult battle there against King Porus. After this battle, Alexander’s men convinced him to head home. We also learned about why he died. Some possible causes for Alexander’s death are poison, alcohol, or some kind of disease. Lastly, we watched as much of the movie as possible before class ended.

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