Monday, March 18, 2013

Ch. 5 BLOG assignment

Hellenistic: the term refers to basically anything Greek. Alexander, the Great conquered many lands, however he not only defeated them but, he incorporated their culture into his culture.











 The Athenians lost the Peloponnesus War for one majorly important reason. This would be due to plague! In fact the Spartans hardly did anything to actually defeat the Athenians. Pericles’s plan to “win” the war and deny the Spartans a land battle and wait for their supplies to deplete. This is a horrible idea since it involves crowding all of Athens into one city. This plan of action tends to cause plagues because you have a large amount of people crammed into a small space, thus, allowing a given disease to spread rapidly causing the death of a large portion of a population. IN the Athenians case, what set them over the edge was the death of their leader, Pericles. This left Athens in a riot because they had no one to lead them in the war. Another reason for the disorder is because everyone was scrambling to try and take the throne and they became so focused on trying to fill leadership that they could not focus on the war with Sparta. In the end of it all, you can sum it up by saying that Athens lost the Peloponnesus War because they defeated themselves.

In 359 B.C. Greece was ruled by King Philip II of Macedonia. Alexander, the Great conquered a fairly large percentage of the known world. Greek culture was modified by foreign elements.


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