Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pyramid Challenge

Today’s Western Civilization class was more fun rather than informative. However, before getting to the fun part, Mr. Schick passed on some knowledge to us. He informed us that we would finish up our Egypt notes tomorrow, and then on Friday, he told us that we would be having our test on prehistory, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. After imparting this information on us, he told us what we would be doing today. Our assignment was to go to his BLOG and click the link for the “Pyramid Challenge” game and play it. This game was fun, but it was also challenging. Each time I played the game, my project failed miserably! Well, I did actually get to build the pyramid once, though I got fired since I took 110 years to build it and disappointed the King. The main reason it was tough was because you had to figure out which choices were more efficient.

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