Friday, February 15, 2013

Ch. 1 Test Review

Today, in Mr. Schick's West Civ. class, we reviewed the answers to our Chapter 1 test. Only, instead of only going over the answers, he actually gave us each a copy of the test. The reason Mr. Schick did this was so that we would have the correct answers for studying purposes. No, we would not need the test for normal tests and quizzes, though they will come in handy when we are studying for our exam in June. We were told that, our homework for this weekend is to continue on with our Google presentations by adding information from LO-3. Though, this is a big section so we broke it up by only doing types of government, Sparta, Athens, and the Persian Wars. For our assignment, I decided to cover Sparta. So, I wish everyone a happy and safe three day weekend and remember, watch out for meteors. I am especially hoping the space-gods don't get angry at us and decide to test out their meteors on us before bowling with them since I will be caving this weekend.

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