Saturday, February 23, 2013

Ancient Greek Discussion

Today we had a bit different experience in Western Civilization class. This new experience was a discussion. However, this was not a normal discussion. We debated about whether or not to allow the international students to use a translator, only if we wanted to say something, we had to step up onto the “agora” before Mr. Schick allowed us to speak. There was a good number of credible arguments made, like mine for example, was that we Americans, are familiar with the English language, where as they are not, thus, it would not count as an unfair advantage because they were never equal to us in the first place. Another good point that was brought up is that the translator provides a definition for the word. Those that were in favor countered that by saying that we would have the definitions for words in the textbook, which is an available resource for us, so that part does not matter. Once everyone had they’re say, we took a vote and the number of those in favor, largely overwhelmed those against. 

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