Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chapter 1 test

Today, in a very exciting edition of Mr. Schick’s West Civ class, we took our Chapter 1 test that was scheduled for us today. This test covered everything that we learned since the beginning of the second semester, which includes prehistory, Mesopotamia, the Agricultural Revolution, and Egypt. In my opinion he did not test us very much on the Agricultural Revolution, since he only put about 2 out of 25 questions. Whereas, he included at least 5 multiple choice questions and all of the essay and short answer options were related to Egypt. This brings me to my next point, one thing that I noticed he did not do for his tests last semester was that he decided to include a short answer and essay question. Only instead of saying this is the question, so answer it, he gave a choice between 2 different questions for both the short answer and the essay. For the short answer, we were expected to answer the question with a minimum of 3 sentences. However, for the essay, he asked our response to be at least 3 paragraphs! When he told us this, I thought I would never get done the tests because I am a slow writer. Luckily I got done just as class ended, though I had to make my paragraphs short to try and get some credit.

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