Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Agricultual Revolution

Today, in West Civ. with Mr. Schick, we discussed the textbook reading that we did for the BLOG assignment over the weekend. In addition to this Mr. Schick changed his prediction about the class from wonderful to irksome. Partly because of people not understanding what their expectations were for the BLOG assignment. Well, in any case, we wrote down some important looking information in our notes. These notes include things such as the fact that the first humans appeared in Africa around 200,000 years ago. We also learned that there was a global Human Race around 14,000 years ago. Some more vocab to add to our list, we learned that the Paleolithic Age refers to the Old Stone Age, whereas the Neolithic Age refers to the New Stone Age. The Agricultural Revolution, which was probably the most important thing that we learned today, took place during the Neolithic age and included a major leap for Humanity. This leap was in many different areas such as rising of population, farming, a more distinct social hierarchy, religion, and technology (primarily the invention of the wheel and plow).

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