Saturday, January 19, 2013


Friday was our second day of Mr. Schick’s Western Civilization course, and unlike day to of Human Geo, we actually took notes! In class we read and took notes on the first page of LO1 these notes consisted of the following. The first piece of info that we took note of were the basic features of Human Existence, language, religion, art, technology, farming, family life, and village communities. We also wrote down a definition of prehistory, which is made up of the millions of years in which humans advanced in organization and skills, but did not write anything down. We also read was that early humans developed writing, religion, science, technology, art, and literature. If you look back in the notes we took you’ll notice that some of these early skills are some of the basic human features. The last major concept that we read was that once their nation was developed enough, they would communicate with other civilizations that had cargo they wanted and they either traded or went to war. For example, if Mr. Schick’s people made contact with the Danvilonians and Mr. Schick found out they had awesome llama products, they would either say “Want to trade?” or “OUR LLAMAS!!!” and go to war.

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