Today, I shall no longer be blogging for Mr. Schick’s Human
Geography class but rather, his Western Civilization course! Mr. Schick is foreseeing
that our class shall be a great one; and so it shall!!! Once everyone is set up
with their g-mail account, we are going to start rocking and kick off what is
going to be a great semester! For Mr. Schick’s returning students he instructed
us to go to our blogs, and create a new BLOG (not a new g-mail, but we just
went to our BLOG and just clicked the “new BLOG” button, and were done. Thus,
the real challenge we need to tackle is getting all those new students set up
with a BLOG, and pray we don’t have to have any strongly worded E-mails to
Google again to get our BLOG’s fixed again. Though I highly doubt that we will
have any trouble with that because we’ve seen it happen and we know how to
handle it.
Great start, Alex. Of course, I expect nothing less than greatness from you...